Zephyrian Empire
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Creatures of the Night roleplay. All Creatures from the Realms of Darkness welcome.

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Basic Ritual outline

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1Basic Ritual outline Empty Basic Ritual outline Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:52 pm

Karena Drako

Karena Drako
High Priestess

(The "I" is whoever is in charge of the Rite...)

Witch Rite

Welcome all to our Rite.

(I will start by walking deosil (clockwise) thrice around the circle perimeter charging it with this chant as I visualize the energy coming from within to create the circle.)

Maiden, cast your circle white, Weave a web of healing light.
Round and Round the Circle's Cast, Joining Present, Future and Past

Mother, cast your circle red, Weave the strands of family threads.
This Sacred Space shall now be Bound, As I cast this Circle Round.

Old Crone, cast your circle black, Weave the wisdom that we lack.
Thrice is the Circle cast this Night/Day and now begins my Magick Rite/Way.

(Once the circle has been cast [meaning I posted 3 times] the Crone, Mother and Maiden enter, Spirit salutes in the following way)

(Hands in Goddess position)"As above..."
(Hands by my waist)"So below."

(The Crone, Mother and Maiden will then pick up the three candles [Crone: Gold;Mother:White; Maiden:Black])

(I will go to the Crone and light the gold candle)

I call upon the powers of you, Crone, your infinite wisdom. Help us keep the circle safe.

(I will go to the Mother and light the white candle)

I call upon the powers of you, Mother, your infinite strength. Help us keep the circle safe.

(I will go to the Mother and light the black candle)

I call upon the powers of you, Maiden, your infinite beauty. Help us keep the circle safe.

I shall now call upon the holders of the elements

(You will enter, salute the three like I did above, and then take your candle to your spot.)

(Air enters, salutes the three, then takes the yellow candle to the east. [you can post this however you feel is appropriate.])

Hail Mighty Ones of the Eastern Tower. Guard this circle with your power.
Powers of Air weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.
Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast.

(I light the candle)
followed by Air's Response

(Fire enters, salutes the three, then takes the red candle to the south. [you can post this however you feel is appropriate.])

Hail Mighty Ones of the Southern Tower. Guard this circle with your power.
Powers of Fire weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.
Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast.

(I light the candle)
followed by Fire's Response

(Water enters, salutes the three, then takes the blue candle to the west. [you can post this however you feel is appropriate.])

Hail Mighty Ones of the Western Tower. Guard this circle with your power.
Powers of Water weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.
Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast.

(I light the candle)
followed by Water's Response

(Earth enters, salutes the three, then takes the green candle to the north. [you can post this however you feel is appropriate.])

Hail Mighty Ones of the Northern Tower. Guard this circle with your power.
Powers of Earth weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.
Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast.

(I light the candle)
followed by Earth's Response

(I will then walk to the center)

Hail Mighty Ones from within. Guard this circle with your power.
Powers of Spirit weave the round, Between the worlds the power bound.
Till I send it at the last, Guardians keep it strong and fast.

(I light the candle)
followed by Spirit's Response

(Next I call the God [Anubis, God of the afterlife])

I call to the God. Spark of the Spirit Eternal,
Lord of the Wild Hunt, Judge of Gods and Men.
Shining God of the Sun's rays, Who walks with me through all my days,
Into my circle, I invoke you, To bless and guide all that I do.
Hail and welcome, Anubis, God of the Afterlife.

(I then call the Goddess [Hekate, Goddess of the underworld])

I call to the Goddess. Crone of the crossroads,
Queen of the Dark Moon, Mistress of the Earth and Sea.
Shining Goddess of magick, Who guides me through the dark of night,
Into my circle, I invoke you, To bless and guide all that I do.
Hail and welcome Hekate, Goddess of the Underworld.

(I then Light a Silver and Gold mixed Candle)

To the Lord and Lady!
I drink to the God and Goddess.

(I will then fill a goblet with Wine and pass it around the Circle. Everyone will take a drink Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit in that order!])

(Once everyone has taken a sip I say:) "Blessed Be."

We thank you both, for without you, we would not have our magicks, or the food we eat daily. Our thanks and blessings, wishing for your blessings on us.

(I then offer two different plates of food. One with grains and harvest veggies, along with a peach wine. Another with rich meats and a sweet wine.)

May I never hunger. (I then take a bite) Blessed Be.
May I never thirst. (I then take a sip) Blessed Be.

(Repeat for the other dish)

May I never hunger. (I then take a bite) Blessed Be.
May I never thirst. (I then take a sip) Blessed Be.

(Starting in the North, I will release the elements.)

To all those in the Northern sphere, I release you now, depart from here.
I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be.

Followed by: Earth's response

To all those in the Western sphere, I release you now, depart from here.
I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be.

Followed by: Water's response

To all those in the Southern sphere, I release you now, depart from here.
I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be.

Followed by: Fire's response

To all those in the Eastern sphere, I release you now, depart from here.
I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be.

Followed by:
Air's response

To all the powers from within, I release you now, depart from here.
I give thanks to all of thee. Depart in peace, and blessed be.

Followed by:
Spirit's response

(I will then thank the God and Goddess)

I give thanks to the God for guarding my circle and joining my rite. Hail and farewell.

I give thanks to the Goddess for guarding my circle and joining my rite. Hail and farewell.

(I then extinguish the Candle)

(Next I go to the Crone, Mother and Maiden)

I thank you three for protecting my circle. I ask you to leave in peace,
As would the Goddess Three
We thank you, So mote it be.

(They extinguish their candles in order [Crone, Mother, Maiden])

(I then walk around the circle once, starting North, heading towards the west, south, then east)

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
I now Dissolve this Sacred Space and send all Powers back to place.
Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
Stay if you can, Go if you must, with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
My Work is finished for the Night and now I End my Magick Rite.

(I return to the middle)

The circle is open, but unbroken.
Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again!

(The Ritual will be done and the topic will be locked.)

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